Responsible together in times of pandemic

PHH Group, in agreement with polish authorities, carries out a series of social activities supporting the fight against the pandemic. From the very beginning, the company organized, among others, free meals for employees of the medical services, opened the first hotel in Poland for medics, provided isolators and offered hotel rooms for oncological patients of the Mother and Child Institute. One of the many prosocial activities of the PHH Group was the establishment of the “Hotele dla Medyków” Foundation, whose main goal is to finance accommodation for medical staff which is taking care of people infected with coronavirus. The Foundation has at its disposal the amount of PLN 3.25 million PLN, which was raised thanks to the support of Polski Holding Nieruchomości (PHN), Polish Airports” State Enterprise (PPL), and the Polish Security Printing Works.


Thanks to its numerous activities, the Polish Hotel Holding Group has received many expressions of gratitude and respect from both the medical community and the hotel and tourist industry. The President of PHH and Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry Gheorghe Marian Cristescu was awarded with honorary badge for outstanding merits to the Polish Chamber of Tourism, he was also awarded with Grand Prix MT Targi Polska for many years of friendly cooperation and support for the tourism industry. The Polish Hotel Holding Group was also honored with a Medal of Merit for Tourism awarded by the Ministry of Development and the Polish Tourist Organization. Moreover, PHH received the Innovator Wprost honorary award for social activities during the pandemic.