Meet the Mayor, Cluj- Napoca 2019

Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry was a partner of the 2019 edition of ,, Meet the Mayor” in Cluj-Napoca. Where international Committee of Cluj (conducted by President Mr. Antonio Patane) such as: International Chambers of Commerces, International Business Associations, International Cultural Centers, Consulates, International NGO-s, Lions Club International, the Rotary International, Prorector of Babeș-Bolyai University and many others meet the Mayor of Cluj Napoca to discuss and share ideas for the diverse topics ( short and long term development strategies of the city, infrastructure, new projects etc.).
The event  was a great opportunity for the networking. Among 350 participants  there were representatives of the company Cesal by Atlas, member of our Chamber and their business  partner from Romanian company MACON, as well as Director of travel agency Wens Tour who recently was named Honorary Consul of the Republic of Poland in Romania.