Trade Mission to Romania | Misja gospodarcza do Rumunii

The Polish Chamber of Commerce (Krajowa Izba Gospodarcza) together with the Polish-Romanian Bilateral Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Polsko-Rumuńska Bilateralna Izba Handlowo-Przemysłowa) invite you to participate in an economic mission to Romania from November 18-21 this year, which will visit the following economic centers: Cluj-Napoca, Brasov, and Bucharest. The event is intended for companies from the agri-food, petrochemical, IT and high-tech, energy, chemical, construction and other industries, which are interested in gaining contractors and business partners in Romania or are considering setting up a branch or investing in warehouse, distribution or production facilities.

Why Romania?

  • According to the forecasts of international financial institutions, the annual growth rate of Romania’s gross domestic product in 2024-2026 will oscillate between 3-4%, which places Romania among the top European Union countries with the highest growth dynamics.
  • Due to its location and favorable business conditions, it is seen as a very attractive destination for foreign investment, and in recent years many foreign concerns have moved their distribution or production facilities to Romania.
  • A well-qualified labor force, ease of business registration, relatively low labor costs and lower taxes.
  • Investment in road infrastructure is opening Romania more widely to foreign investment, becoming another engine of growth for the Romanian economy
  • In the context of the current geopolitical situation, the Romanian port of Constanta is gaining importance, and Romania is thus becoming a transportation and logistics hub for Southeast Europe.

Within the framework of the mission, we offer, among others:

  • organization of a flight between Warsaw – Cluj-Napoca and Bucharest – Warsaw, car transportation within Romania,
  • a joint dinner on the first day of the mission, i.e. November 18,
  • information-networking meetings with local business support organizations and experts,
  • Polish-Romanian business meetings and arranged B2B meetings with potential contractors in each of the three visited cities, prepared in cooperation with local chambers of commerce and partners,
  • accommodation with breakfast in 3* hotels in Cluj-Napoca, Brasov and Bucharest,
  • insurance,
  • language and content support for the mission participants in their contacts with potential contractors.

Notes: the detailed program of the mission will be tailored to the needs and profile of the mission participants.

How to apply?

Those interested in participating in the Mission are kindly asked to register by filling out the application form in order to provide further detailed organizational information related to the preparation for participation in the Mission